About us
Banco da Família is a non-profit microfinance institution, certified as a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (Oscip), considered one of the most important microfinance institutions in latin America. It operates in regions with low indicators of economic and social development and embraces individuals who the traditional system does not serve.
Its purpose is to increasingly cause social impact, transforming the reality of thousands of families through small actions that will lead them to achieve a better quality of life. + than 1.300.000 de people affected since the institution creation in 10.20.1988.
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We are searching for partnership to expand our operations and generate social impact, with profit for everyone!
Grameen Bank, July 10, 1997.
Meet some of our partnerships
Water and Banco da Família – A partnership to save lives.
Nearly half of Brazilians (over 100 million people) still lack basic sanitation conditions. Although the problem is huge, some initiatives promise to improve the lives of those who live in this situation.
This is the case of the partnership between Banco da Família and the WaterCredit project, from Water.org (a NGO founded by the actor Matt Damon and the engineer Gary White). This alliance made it possible to
offer credit to 8.500 families (totaling more than 33 thousand people), who were at risk, having access to treated water and sanitary facilities, without the need to prove income.
Banco da Família released a credit line of R$ 24.5 million, and water.org contributed with US$ 300 thousand. The goal is to enable thousands of families who lives in the poorest areas to access treated water and complete sanitation facilities.
Banco da Família is the first Brazilian partner of the NGO Water.org, in the project Water Credit: microcredit for the financing of water and sanitation which has the support of the inter-American Development Bank – BID.
Development Bank – BID.
The lack of basic sanitation is a public health problem in Brazil, being responsible for a hundreds of thousands of cases of hospitalization due to diarrhea every year, as reported by the Trata brasil Institute. According to IBGE data, about 12% of households in Brazil do not have access to sewage and septic tanks. More than 400 thousand Brazilians were hospitalized for diarrhea in a single year, mostly children aged 0 5 years. “It is unnecessary and unacceptable that, every 90 seconds, a child dies due to water related disease. We need partners and invested resources - both human and financial – to help end the global water crisis”, says Banco da Família’s president, Isabel Baggio.
According to BNDES, 65% of children hospitalization under 10 years old are caused by deficiency or inefficiency of sewage or clear water. The implementation of basic sanitation systems in poorer communities presents a great step toward citizenship and responsibility, as well as effectively elevating what is meant by social development.
The second edition of ODS SC Award, recognized the BF Sanitation Case as an important initiative aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals in Brazil.
The National Movement ODS Santa Catarina is formed by volunteers, with a non-partisan view, plural and ecumenical character, with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the quality of life in Santa Catarina society. Currently, it has more than 600 signatories, represented by Private Individuals, Class Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, Education Institutions, Companies and Public Authorities in 62 cities, articulated in 11 local committees.
It aims to fulfill the commitments of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development, approved by the UN member countries during the 70 th General Assembly held in September 2015, in New York.
Banco da Família adopts the methodology "Traffic Light for the Elimination of Poverty”
Banco da Família joined the “Traffic Light for the Elimination of Poverty” methodology, a system developed in Paraguay that punctuates strategic actions and puts people as protagonists of changes in their lives. The Fundación Paraguaya model, which was featured at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, scores 50 indicators of quality of life. Banco da Família established a partnership with the institution to adopt the program in the regions where it operates in southern Brazil. Beginning in January 2020, 300 families started to participate in the pilot project. The records are made by an app that can be used on a cell phone or on a computer.
- Our mission is to promote quality of life and social transformation.
Today, we realize that this is not restricted to the offer of credit. We want to help people achieving their dreams and this tool came to meet with what we have been doing for 21 years – says the president of Banco da Família, Isabel Baggio.
For Isabel Baggio, the great differential of the “Traffic Light for the Elimination of Poverty” is to guarantee the leading role for families, in the effort to improve their quality of life. The system has been already adopted in 20 countries, including the United States, England. Mexico and Chile.
The app has a visual map that highlights in red or yellow the points that deserve more attention. The methodology includes an initial diagnosis and subsequent technical support from Banco da Família to the definition of plans for solving the most serious problems encountered.
Banco da Família’s credit agents were trained by Fundación Paraguaya, to make both the diagnosis and the formulation of strategies to improve people’s quality of life.